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Peace in Palestine

The tragedy that people of Palestine are facing is not only affecting them but it is a defining global issue of the century. This conflict is not between two equal entities but one of them is a powerful military country supported and armed with the help of West against a country which is stateless, and has displaced citizens that are impoverished.

Effects Of War On People Of Palestine

  • It the third generation of Palestine that is suffering the consequences of war. They are brought to refugee camps and are forced to live there. They are living in extreme poverty and are deprived of the right to go back to their family house.

  • Thousands of Palestinians are suffering because of the discrimination on access to services that are right of all individuals. This includes employment or jobs in Israel and landing rights.

  • Israel’s restrictions on Gaza have predestined its 1.7 million occupants to shortage of basic necessities and psychological violence on a regular routine. Due to restricted movement, threat of military forces is always present.

  • The enlargement of Israeli settlements, the constant construction of the Apartheid wall, and closure of military to the Jordan Valley and seizure of East Jerusalem are making a permanent reality which cannot be reversed.

  • The illegal projects that are going on are supported by countries and organizations that are supporting Israel through investments and business.

Stop Supporting Israel

United Kingdom is supporting Israel by purchasing and selling arms and ammunition to Israel, hence UK is a complicit in Israel’s continuous desecrations of international law and basic human rights. They are also providing Israel with material support in aggression against Palestine and also giving the perception of approval for its actions. Israeli establishments make massive revenues from military equipment that is ‘field-tested’ on Palestinians. 

Globalising Injustice

G4S facilities are provided to Israeli prisons to develop the establishment directly complicit in the prohibited business of the illegal captivity of Palestinians, including children. Thousands of Palestinians are kept captive by Israelis in G4S secured prisons, where they are tortured, while more prisoners are held hostage in administrative detention centres without any evidence or reason. It also provides facilities, equipment and tools for checkpoints that are used by military along with the illegal wall that is being constructed by Israel.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)

The people of Palestine are suffering Israeli suppression and human rights exploitation for over 60 years. The reaction from ordinary Palestinian public society has been to call on people of morality and principles from all around the world to join and support them in the movement against Israel. 

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