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Composing A Top-Grade Essay About Friendship With Ease

Almost all of us have written essays on topic like friendship, however when you see your kid sitting with a gloomy face and a blank piece of paper, his expressions dishearten you.

What you can do in that case?

The issue is not that big. Such essays can be found on the web easily. All you have to do is to make a little effort and look for the best composition that fits your need.

Where to look on web for composition on friendship?

Web offers a myriad of resources and some are splendid. Check them out-

  1. First and foremost is initiating your search through search engine. It is one of superb place for the beginners. Those who do not have any idea for finding essays should use keywords like “essay on friendship”, “short composition on friendship”, “500 words article on friendship”, “speech on friendship”, “the role of friendship in our life”, “friendship- the best gift”, “eradicate monotony with friendship”, “friendship makes you smile” etc, There are abundant of such topics that you can use as your keywords and hit your target.
  2. Apart from that you can find other resources like online articles on magazines, compositions in newspapers, websites content also. In case of additional help, seek assistance of your friends, colleagues, seniors, parents, teachers, tutors or drop a query on forums.

Structure of a top grade essay on friendship:

The term friendship has millions of faces. It is not just closeness with a stranger; in fact you can find a friend in the form of your parents, siblings, neighbors, a complete stranger or your spouse. It is not confined within any parameter of age, geography, gender, race, creed or nationality.

Divide your essay in three parts-

Introduction: Basically, when you start your essay, you need to make a marvelous start impressing your audience. Start with a beautiful prose, a lovely idiom, a short story or something that grabs the reader’s attention.

Body: Gradually make a smooth transition towards the next level of the essay which comprises of the main gist where you can elaborate what all you want to describe. It can be the role of friendship in context, the nurtured values, its types, morality, expectations, fulfillments, sacrifice, bonding, etc. You can beautifully describe each of the components into an individual paragraph. Finally, take a smooth turn and transform your essay towards the conclusion part.

Conclusion: Here, wind up your essay into two to three sentences. It needs to be brilliantly described covering everything in short. It is no ways repetition of same element but gist of the entire essay. Proofread and revise your composition for silly grammatical and spelling mistakes and then submit to your professor.

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